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CCEP Business Conference - Winning Today, Creating Tomorrow 2024

Business Conference Image 2024 v3


More than forty staff from CCEP PNG converged in Port Moresby this week for the 2024 Business Conference to discuss the company’s business priorities. 

This annual conference is an important calendar event that provides leadership alignment within CCEP PNG through all its different functions. 

Sales & Commercial Director Tim Solly said it is crucial for the leadership team to cascade the business priorities for the year to other senior managers within the business and gain alignment and commitment to those objectives.  

“The purpose for the conference is to outline CCEP’s priorities and what we need to focus on, in order to grow both our business as well as that of our customers by continuing to offer great products at the right price and ensure that we have strong consumer demand.” 

With the theme, ‘Winning Today Creating Tomorrow’, the employees were also challenged on how to become effective leaders to ensure they deliver on these business priorities.  

CCEP PNG employs a total of 545 employees and has two production plants in Lae and Port Moresby with distribution centres in Mt Hagen and Kokopo.