
The First CCOD Coke Day Event in CCEP Indonesia

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On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, CCOD Coke Day was held for the first time by CCEP Indonesia at the Royal Tulip Hotel Bogor. Organized by the Route to Market team, this event invited all Coca-Cola Official Distributor (CCOD) Tier 1 owners intending to strengthen partnerships between CCEP and CCOD for a better future. Approximately 100 participants attended this event, which consisted of the Leadership Team, CCOD Tier 1 owners, the Coca Cola Indonesia (CCI) team, and all representatives from CCEP who were presenters and committee members.

CCOD Coke Day was opened by Xavi Selga, President Director of CCEP Indonesia, and Dan Hall and Eric Tan, presenting a long vision of cooperation, growth ambitions and future strategies, followed by a group division to discuss the business and how to improve it together.

CCI also explained the marketing and branding plans for 2024, followed by a presentation by the CCEP Indonesia marketing team regarding activation strategies and programs. The legal team also presented its Zero Tolerance Fraud Culture, and the PACS team ended with a presentation explaining the sustainability program and Coke Ambassador. CCOD also shared stories about the projects being carried out. Toha Sutiono, CCOD Tier 1 Owner, presented the sell-out project by CCOD Yogyakarta Sleman, and Lala Wee,CCOD Tier 1 Owner, presented MEP CCOD Manado protection and the initiatives she carried out in all the CCODs she owned.

There is a special question and answer session for CCODs who want to ask questions to the Leadership Team and feedback from CCODs they wish to express. The event ended with a gala dinner accompanied by live music and equipped with a photobooth corner.

Xavi Selga, President Director of CCEP Indonesia,  is enthusiastic about this event: “Today its so exciting. It’s the first time ever CCOD Coke day that has happened in CCEP Indonesia. The reason is very simple, we value our partners, its a proof of respect, we couldn’t deliver our business performance without them, but most important is we want to craft the growth agenda of this country for the next five years and we want to do it with them.”

Toha Sutiono, one of the owners of CCOD, expressed his impression of the event, "It's great to be able to take part in the CCOD Coke Day, here, we can hear the company's vision and mission for the future. Our previous obstacles and complaints can be answered, and we know that we can be happier with CCEP in the future. I am very confident and will fight 100% with CCEP to improve in the future."

Agustina Retno Setyowati, as Head of Sales Central and West Java, hopes that by holding CCOD Coke Day, the alignment between CCEP and CCOD will be stronger and the sales team will get support from CCOD, "Today is the first time that CCEP Indonesia is holding CCOD Coke Day, and we are happy. Our hearts welcome CCODs from all corners of Indonesia. They come with expectations and we try to match the steps we will take in the future. We hope that our alignment with CCOD will become stronger and that our sales team will continue to get great support from CCOD."