
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia Supports Gotong Royong Vaccination Program

Partisipasi CCEP Indonesia dalam Vaksinasi Gotong Royong 3 v3


Amelia Naomi

Starting May 18 to May 21, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia (CCEP Indonesia) will support the implementation of Gotong Royong vaccination program which was initiated by Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (KADIN). CCEP Indonesia is also working together with the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Bio Farma and Siloam Hospital in implementing the vaccination program.

Around 2,000 of CCEP Indonesia’s employees located in Jabodetabek area will received the vaccination in Cikedokan Plant, MM 2100 - West Java. The vaccination program will be rolled out with the support of 50 health workers from Siloam Hospital.

As a company that prioritized on the safety and health of its employees CCEP Indonesia is committed to ensure that its employees will receive access to vaccines as safely as possible. CCEP Indonesia will also strive the role model in its industry and communities in supporting the government initiatives to speed up the vaccination program and creating herd community in Indonesia.

In this first phase, the Gotong Royong vaccination program will distribute 500,000 vaccines under the Sinopharm brand for 18 private companies in Indonesia.

Since 2020, CCEP Indonesia has also implemented an active role together with communities to support the handling of COVID-19 pandemic, that includes: beverage donations provision to the health sector as well as public service frontliners, conducted training on hygiene and safety guidelines of the new normal for small enterprises to build their confidence to re-open their outlets, as well as donated 10 billion rupiah to Palang Merah Indonesia (The Indonesian Red Cross Society) to assist its effort to support the health sector as well as larger communities to cope with COVID-19 spread.