comitees v2


Meet our committees and their members


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee plays a key role within the governance framework of the Group supporting the Board and monitoring the integrity of the Group’s financial statements and results announcements, the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management as well as managing the external auditor relationship.

Committee membership:

Dessi Temperley (Chairman)
John Bryant
Dagmar Kollmann
Nicolas Mirzayantz

Audit Committee Terms of Reference

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Affiliated Transaction Committee

The Affiliated Transaction Committee (ATC) reviews, considers and makes recommendations to the Board with regard to any transaction with affiliates by the Group (affiliates are holders of 5% or more of the securities or other ownership interests of CCEP).

Committee membership:

Dagmar Kollmann (Chairman) 
Sol Daurella
Nathalie Gaveau
Alfonso Líbano Daurella
Tom Johnson

ATC Terms of Reference


Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

Oversees performance against CCEP’s strategy and goals for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters, reviews ESG risks facing CCEP and the practices by which these risks are managed and mitigated, approves sustainability commitments and targets, and monitors and reviews public policy issues that could affect CCEP.

Committee membership:

Mario Rotllant Solá (Chairman)  
Nathalie Gaveau
Nicolas Mirzayantz
Mark Price
Nancy Quan

ESG Committee Terms of Reference

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Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee sets selection criteria and recommends candidates for appointment of INEDs, reviews Directors’ suitability for election/ re-election by shareholders, considers Directors’ potential conflicts of interest, oversees development of a diverse pipeline for senior management and Director succession, and oversees wider people matters for the Group, including culture, diversity, succession, talent and leadership.

Committee membership:

Tom Johnson (Chairman)
Manolo Arroyo
Sol Daurella
Mary Harris
Mark Price

Nomination Committee Terms of Reference
Criteria for Selection of INEDs


Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee recommends Remuneration Policy and framework to the Board and shareholders, recommends remuneration packages for members of the Board to the Board, approves remuneration packages for senior management, reviews workforce remuneration and related policies and principles, and governs employee share schemes.

Committee membership:

John Bryant (Chairman)
Manolo Arroyo
Guillaume Bacuvier
José Ignacio Comenge
Mary Harris

Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference